Thursday 20 November 2014

Top Marketing Tips for 2015

We're looking ahead to 2015 with our clients and aiming to get the majority of the planning work done now so that when the new year hits, we're focused on the implementation, tracking and refinement to ensure it's a good year for them.

I thought I'd compile a list of tips for you to consider for your business and naturally, if you'd like to add some expert insight and skill-set in to your business, I'd certainly love the opportunity to show you how Digity can help save you time and increase your results.

Digity's Top Marketing Tips for 2015

Visualise what your year will look like before it begins 
Map out your quarters and assign objectives.  Whilst we can't predict the future, we can certainly plan for it and retaining control is key.

Identify Who's In Your Movement
In business our success can certainly be aided by those around us - provided those around us have the caliber, skills and influence to make a positive impact.  Review who is in your movement in terms of;
- Resource - who is carrying out the work and are they equipped to show you the returns?
- Referrers - who is going to bring business to your door and what have you got in place to keep that working?

Focus on 3 to 5 Things Per Quarter
In marketing it's very easy to map out a plan and think you're going to cover every available channel.  Be realistic with what you can achieve based on the above points and select a couple of areas which could have a major impact on your business.  In my experience it's far better to get those things working really well and then expand out to other areas than spread yourself and your resources too thinly.  If need be, move the other good ideas to quarter 2 or 3 so that you can come back to them once everything else is running like clockwork.

Know How & Why You Are The Best
When you review your competitors you should always find reasons as to why you are the better choice for your potential customers.  Articulating this however is not always as easy.  Write a list and make your team aware of how good they are and how good your company is.  Make them proud to work for you, proud to talk about you and proud to share your updates on their social media accounts.  Your people are your biggest asset and we can bring people through your door but if they aren't dealt with in the right way, it will count for nothing.

Embrace Your Website As Your Biggest Shop Window
Too many companies fail to grasp the fact that their website is their shop window.  Ironically, shops are a pretty big culprit of this, relying all too often on their actual shop window.  Your website should compete on search engines, it should display your latest news and promotions, it should tell people a story as to why buy from your business and it should help me value your brand.  Look at your website and then look at the guys who come top of google when you search for relevant do you compare?

Target, Target, Target
Don't hit and hope - identify your market and go after it.  Find smart ways to reach your potential audience - who else has access to those people who might be able to help?  Think associations, clubs, other trades.  Do they have websites, social media accounts, email databases, newsletters to advertise within?  Find strong routes to your target market and make good use of them.

Track Your Traffic
If you don't track your website traffic currently, you are going to find it very hard to improve your results next year.  You need to know how many people are visiting your website, how they found you, where they are in the world, what pages they looked at and how engaged they were.  Without this level of insight you can't possibly make informed decisions.  Get a Google Analytics account today (free) and get your web developers to put the code in.

Keep In Touch
Without a doubt, the biggest opportunity when I go in to any new client for the first time is the fact that they simply do not* keep in touch with previous customers or contacts.  Why spend good money attracting people and then forget about them because they didn't commit at that time?  Just because someone doesn't buy your product, doesn't mean they bought someone elses.  Just because someone bought someone elses, doesn't mean they'll never buy yours.  Just because someone bought a product that will last 10 years, doesn't mean they won't speak to someone who might need one.  Keep in touch.  Use email, build social media followings, send sms campaigns or direct mail.  Just keep in touch.  You're significantly reducing the ROI of your marketing budget every year if you only interact with people once or twice.  Keep in touch, build your brand.

I hope this was helpful.  Do things regularly, do them well and do them with logic and you can't go far wrong.

Needless to say we're very passionate about this subject area and if we can help, please don't hesitate to get in touch.  We offer a free initial consultation and will gladly welcome you to our office in Wokingham town centre for a coffee and a chat - or visit your business to check out where the magic happens.

Here's to a big year ahead - just start getting ready for it now!

If you have any questions, feel free to drop me an email ( or call: 01189 100 012.

Chris Lunn
Digity, Online Marketing

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