Tuesday 28 February 2012

Recommendations For Keeping Organised (sort of!)

I'm not sure if it's running an agency with lots of clients or simply the way life seems to be going but the challenge in today's business environment is keeping track of everything you need to.  I spotted this requirement as a younger man at University when I invested good money in a Palm Pilot.  This little device would manage my calendar in a digital format as well as tasks and notes.  It had a stylus and was in sync with my PC to ensure I had a back-up.

Today, the technology is more advanced and my calendar, contacts, to-do list, notes and even files are all available from my iPhone, iPad, laptop or pretty much anywhere else I'd need to get online.  It's great as it gives me the freedom to update appointments or notes on whichever device is convenient, knowing everything will be back-up and available from wherever I need it (thanks to online connectivity wherever I go these days).

My recommendations are:
  • Email accounts & contacts:  Google Apps  (there is a free edition which is quite well hidden but perfect for getting started - it's just like using gmail but you have your own/company email address)
  • Tasks:  The tasks function within Google Apps is pretty raw but there are some good apps on the iPad / iPhone which actually make it easier to interact with.  Personally though, I'm a big fan of Remember the Milk and have upgraded to the paid for version so it syncs with my Outlook & iPad whenever I need it to.
  • Notes:  For a while now it's been Evernote and I can't see any reason to change.
  • Documents:  Dropbox all the way.  Install it on your PC and you basically then get a new folder to store files within.  You can then access that online or if you're using a couple of pc's, it will update throughout meaning you've pretty much got your virtual network.  It's an awesome system and there are apps for the iPhone & iPad so you can even access files via those devices.

I hope these help you out - if you have any questions or recommendations of your own, feel free to comment below.

Chris Lunn, Managing Director
Digity, Marketing Consultancy

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