Wednesday 25 January 2012

Apple sells 37m iphones and 15.4m ipads in Q1! Are you maximising your opportunity?

There is lots of talk about the economic down-turn in the USA but one company which is leading the way in innovation and success is Apple.  They registered $46bn in revenue over this time period and sold a tremendous amount of smart devices.

Whilst this is great for Apple shareholders, the opportunity actually extends to every business.  More and more people are switching to smart phones and tablets and this is resulting in more and more visits to websites taking place from mobile devices.  As a result, there are many opportunities to reach your target market which simply didn't exist before - from location based searches, general surfing, apps and of course social media.

Here's an interesting infographic which demonstrates the potential in this area:

As always, if you'd like to discuss how to maximise your marketing efforts via mobile or other means, get in touch:

Chris Lunn, Managing Director 
01344 555 123 / Digity, Marketing Consultancy

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